Jo useampaan otteeseen BBC:n kaikkien aikojen parhaimpien sarjojen joukkoon nostettu The Fall on hyytävä psykologinen trilleri kahdesta metsästäjästä - kylmäverisestä sarjamurhaajasta sekä häntä etsivästä rikosylikomisariosta. Sarjan pääosassa loistaa Salaiset kansiot -tähti Gillian Anderson.

The Fall S01E01
58 minuuttia
When a murder in Belfast remains unsolved after 28 days, DSI Stella Gibson is called in to review the case.
Alkaen€ 1.50

The Fall S01E02
58 minuuttia
DSI Stella Gibson's worst fears are realised as Spector's murder spree in Belfast continues and she faces very real consequences after a reckless decision.
Alkaen€ 1.50

The Fall S01E03
58 minuuttia
As DSI Stella Gibson takes control of the hunt for the serial killer striking women in Belfast, the realisation that his perfect kill is tainted pushes Spector into looking for his next victim.
Alkaen€ 1.50

The Fall S01E04
58 minuuttia
When Eastwood's investigation into Olson's murder throws open some uncomfortable truths for Burns, Gibson comes under increased pressure in her hunt for Belfast's killer.
Alkaen€ 1.50

The Fall S01E05
58 minuuttia
The killer's latest attack gives Gibson renewed impetus. As the net appears to be closing in, Spector makes a dramatic confession and a decision that binds his fate to Gibson.
Alkaen€ 1.50