S01Kausi 1
10 jaksoa
Sarja sijoittuu lähitulevaisuuden Norjaan, jonka Venäjä on vallannut öljykriisin keskellä. Norjan uusi ympäristöystävällinen hallitus on lopettanut öljyn ja kaasun tuotannon Pohjanmerellä. Norjan pääministeri on päättänyt ottaa ilmastokriisin vakavasti ja korvata fossiiliset polttoaineet ympäristöystävällisellä torium-energialla. Päätös pakottaa EU:n kutsumaan Venäjää avuksi, joka päätyy valloittamaan Norjan.
Okkupert S01E01
45 minuuttia
The minister of Norway, Jesper Berg is kidnapped. Berg and the Norwegian government is pressed by Russia and the EU to start the oil production in Norway.
Okkupert S01E02
45 minuuttia
An assassination attempt is made on the Russian ambassador as war between Russia and Norway looms. Can anything be done to prevent a devastating military conflict?
Okkupert S01E03
45 minuuttia
Prime Minister Jesper Berg is put under pressure to announce when the Russians will be leaving Norway. But the invading nation won't retreat until its demands are met.
Okkupert S01E04
45 minuuttia
Hans questions a teenage boy about his anti-Russian blog before a dramatic turn of events threatens the lives of those around him.
Okkupert S01E05
45 minuuttia
Prime Minister Jesper Berg looks ahead to the Russians' departure but a major event at an oil and gas facility at Viksund changes the entire political landscape.
Okkupert S01E06
45 minuuttia
Prime Minister Jesper Berg offers the EU a referendum that goes entirely against his ideology, while Hans Martin attempts to find out who is behind the Viksund attack.
Okkupert S01E07
45 minuuttia
Jesper Berg has won the election, but the Russians show no sign of leaving Norway. Meanwhile, Hans Martin receives an intriguing offer from the Russians.
Okkupert S01E08
45 minuuttia
Jesper Berg initiates a police action in order to get the Russians out of the country with disastrous consequences. Hans Martin continues to work with the Russians.
Okkupert S01E09
45 minuuttia
Jesper Berg continues his duties as Norway's prime minister from within the US Embassy, while Free Norway carry out an audacious and dangerous plot against the Russians.
Okkupert S01E10
45 minuuttia
The Americans attempt to remove Jesper Berg from their embassy, while Hans Martin frantically searches for Russian ambassador Irina Sidorova.